American bomber B-52 reaches Israel amid war with Hamas

Israeli fighter jets are continuously attacking the Gaza Strip to attack the targets of Hamas terrorists, meanwhile America has taken a big step to help Israel...America has delivered its most powerful bomber to Israel.  The name of this bomber is B-52 Stratofortress.   -5 people are required to operate it, the wings of this 159.4 feet long aircraft are 185 feet long.  This aircraft is 40.8 feet high.  It was made by Boeing Company.   -It can fly with a weight of 2.21 lakh kilograms while flying.  It holds 1.81 lakh liters of fuel at one go.  This aircraft has 8 engines.  Its maximum speed is 1050 kilometers per hour.   -Its combat range is 14200 kilometers.  While it can easily fly more than 16 thousand kilometers at a time, apart from this, bombs weighing 32 thousand kilograms can be kept in this aircraft.   #Israel #Palestine #Hamas #AmericanAirForce #B52Bomber #ATCard

Israeli fighter jets are continuously attacking the Gaza Strip to attack the targets of Hamas terrorists, meanwhile America has taken a big step to help Israel...America has delivered its most powerful bomber to Israel.  The name of this bomber is B-52 Stratofortress.

5 people are required to operate it, the wings of this 159.4 feet long aircraft are 185 feet long.  This aircraft is 40.8 feet high. It was made by Boeing Company.

-It can fly with a weight of 2.21 lakh kilograms while flying. It holds 1.81 lakh liters of fuel at one go. This aircraft has 8 engines.  Its maximum speed is 1050 kilometers per hour.

-Its combat range is 14200 kilometers. While it can easily fly more than 16 thousand kilometers at a time, apart from this, bombs weighing 32 thousand kilograms can be kept in this aircraft.

#Israel #Palestine #Hamas #AmericanAirForce #B52Bomber 

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