Common people in Gaza are being collectively punished for this conflict – human rights activist

Human rights activist Hozaifa Yazzie has said that ordinary people living in Gaza are being given 'collective punishment' for this bloody conflict.  Yazzie, manager of the Refugee Council of Norway, said in the BBC show Newsnight: “I cannot in any way accept the targeting of civilians on both sides.  “The common people are being collectively punished for the retaliation in Gaza.”  “I look out my window and people are running through the streets of Gaza, they don't know where to go, they have no hope left.”  The people of Gaza have suffered many attacks in the last 14 years.  Hozaifa says attacks on this scale have never happened before.  “The situation here is very bad, so bad that I cannot explain it in words.  “There is no safe place left in Gaza.”  In this conflict that started with the attack by Hamas on Saturday, Israel is continuously bombing Gaza.  Israel has stopped the supply of emergency items like electricity, water, food and medicine to Gaza.  Gaza's hospital system is on the verge of collapse due to lack of electricity and increasing number of injured.  So far 1200 people in Israel have died and 900 people have been killed in Gaza.

Human rights activist Hozaifa Yazzie has said that ordinary people living in Gaza are being given 'collective punishment' for this bloody conflict.

Yazzie, manager of the Refugee Council of Norway, said in the BBC show Newsnight: “I cannot in any way accept the targeting of civilians on both sides. “The common people are being collectively punished for the retaliation in Gaza.”

“I look out my window and people are running through the streets of Gaza, they don't know where to go, they have no hope left.”

The people of Gaza have suffered many attacks in the last 14 years. Hozaifa says attacks on this scale have never happened before.

“The situation here is very bad, so bad that I cannot explain it in words. “There is no safe place left in Gaza.”

In this conflict that started with the attack by Hamas on Saturday, Israel is continuously bombing Gaza.  Israel has stopped the supply of emergency items like electricity, water, food and medicine to Gaza.

Gaza's hospital system is on the verge of collapse due to lack of electricity and increasing number of injured.

So far 1200 people in Israel have died and 900 people have been killed in Gaza.

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