Hamas Attack: Khamenei says Gaza war ‘a symbol of the power of Islam’

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the unprecedented Hamas assault on Israel, in which 1,300 Israelis were massacred in southern Israel last Saturday, will lead to victory for the Palestinians and calls the ongoing war “one of the symbols of the power of Islam,” the official IRNA news agency reports. “Part of the current [events] is an indication of the incredible power of Islam in Palestine and God willing, the move that began in Palestine will move forward and will lead to the full victory of Palestinians,” he says. Khamenei urges the Islamic world to help the Palestinians.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the unprecedented Hamas assault on Israel, in which 1,300 Israelis were massacred in southern Israel last Saturday, will lead to victory for the Palestinians and calls the ongoing war “one of the symbols of the power of Islam,” the official IRNA news agency reports.

“Part of the current [events] is an indication of the incredible power of Islam in Palestine and God willing, the move that began in Palestine will move forward and will lead to the full victory of Palestinians,” he says.

Khamenei urges the Islamic world to help the Palestinians.

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