Jordan’s Abdullah joins those blaming Israel for deadly Gaza blast

Jordan’s King Abdullah joins Egypt in blaming Israel for the rocket attack on Baptist Hospital in Gaza City that is believed to have killed hundreds of people.  The IDF has said that Palestinian Islamic Jihad was responsible for firing an errant rocket that struck the hospital, but Abdullah insists in a statement that Israel was behind the “heinous massacre.”  Abdullah considers this a “heinous war crime that cannot be tolerated. Israel must immediately stop its brutal aggression against Gaza, which is inconsistent with humanitarian and moral values ​​and constitutes a flagrant violation of the rules of international humanitarian law,” says a statement from Jordan’s Royal Court

Jordan’s King Abdullah joins Egypt in blaming Israel for the rocket attack on Baptist Hospital in Gaza City that is believed to have killed hundreds of people.

The IDF has said that Palestinian Islamic Jihad was responsible for firing an errant rocket that struck the hospital, but Abdullah insists in a statement that Israel was behind the “heinous massacre.”

Abdullah considers this a “heinous war crime that cannot be tolerated. Israel must immediately stop its brutal aggression against Gaza, which is inconsistent with humanitarian and moral values ​​and constitutes a flagrant violation of the rules of international humanitarian law,” says a statement from Jordan’s Royal Court

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