No place to cover one's head, no arrangement to fill one's stomach...painful story of refugees

No place to cover one's head, no arrangement to fill one's stomach...painful story of refugees

It seems as if a flood of people has arrived in Khan Younis area of ​​Gaza Strip.

Lakhs of people are reaching here from the north of Gaza Strip to save their lives. People have reached here by hiking with whatever belongings they could carry.

All of them had no option. But Khan Younis town does not have any special arrangements for the people coming from Gaza City, twice its own population. Every street, every locality and every road of the city is filled with men, women and children. And people have nowhere else to go from here. Hamas says that out of 1.1 million people living in northern Gaza, 4 million have left for the south via Salah al-Din road.

Israel had warned the common people to evacuate Gaza city within 24 hours.

On October 7, 1400 Israelis were killed in a Hamas attack. After that Israel asked people to vacate Gaza city. Hamas had told people not to leave the city at all, but the fear of Israeli bombs and attacks was such that millions of people moved to the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

But emerging from the thin strip of land that has been surrounded by Israel on all sides is by no means a guarantee of security.

No one knows what is going to happen next.  Millions of Gaza residents are reaching Khan Yunis.

The population of Khan Yunis is about 4 lakhs.  But 6 lakh more people have reached here overnight.

Each of these 6 lakh people needs a house to cover their heads and food to fill their stomachs.

everything is ruined

Mothers and grandmothers are cooking outside on park benches.  Hungry children are eagerly waiting to be filled. But when hospitals and schools were filled, people settled on the streets.

Streets, localities, underpasses are all filled.  Thousands of people are sleeping in filth and dust under the open sky. Everyone is waiting for the world to make better arrangements for them.  This wait is currently proving futile.

no place is safe

And it is not even that Khan Yunis is safe from attacks.  There has been bombing here too. This is also a battlefield. Fallen buildings and piles of debris are proof of this.

There is only one way out of Gaza. And that is Rafah crossing located on the border of Egypt.  But this crossing is currently closed.

And Egypt realizes that if it is opened, there will be a flood of refugees.

One million people have reached just 20 kilometers away from the Rafah crossing.  As soon as the crossing opens there will be chaos.

 #israel #hamas

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