Troubled by financial constraints, 3 people of the same family committed suicide, there was pressure to repay the loan.

Troubled by financial constraints, 3 people of the same family committed suicide, there was pressure to repay the loan.

Three Members Of The Same Family Committed Suicide: A shocking incident has come to light from Bardhaman district of West Bengal. Three members of the same family living in Bardhaman district allegedly committed suicide here. This incident took place in Barakar Nalipada area of ​​Kulti police station area on Friday night. The death of three people created a sensation in the area. As soon as information about the incident was received, the police reached the spot. Police sent the bodies for post-mortem. During investigation of the incident police found a suicide note.

identification of victims

The victims were identified as Sudipto Roy (66), his wife Shweta Roy (53) and their son Agnishankar Roy (29). Police said that a suicide note has been recovered in which he has not held anyone responsible for his decision to take such a drastic step. All three people have committed suicide of their own free will.  According to preliminary clues received by the investigating officer, financial problems could be the reason.

There was pressure to repay the loan

Local people told the police that pressure from the recovery agents of the public sector bank could be the reason behind the suicide.  According to the information, deceased Agnishankar Roy was the only earning member of the family and he mainly earned money through private tuition. The income from tuition was the only support to run the family. Recently, to improve the financial condition of the family, he decided to start his own business and took a loan from the bank. He told that neither his business was successful, nor was he able to repay the loan. The family was under pressure to repay the loan taken by the bank. Police have registered a case of unnatural death and sent the bodies for postmortem and have also started investigation into the incident.

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